Tag: Brushless gimbals

CAME-TV Argo and Mini 3 gimbals: Camera stabilisation on a budget

Movi announce ‘Akira’ beta firmware 5.0 for M5, M10 and M15 gimbal stabilisers

FilmPower ROXOR – a 4K integrated brushless gimbal camera for $199

Redrockmicro video tips for reducing weight and improving gimbal performance

DJI introduce OSMO integrated 4K camera and brushless gimbal for $649 US

Go Creative Show – IBC roundup with Newsshooter’s Matt Allard

IBC 2015: Tilta shows Armor Man 2 Exoskeleton plus new Gravity gimbal with 15kg payload

Nebula 4200 gimbal with 5-axis stabilisation system available to pre-order

IBC 2015: Steadimate mounts your brushless gimbal onto a Steadicam arm

IBC 2015: Flowcine goes all Robocop with their Orasus prototype

IBC 2015: Letus Double Helix gimbal and Exhauss exoskeleton mark II

Five years of gear: Philip Grossman reflects on shooting a documentary in Chernobyl

BIRTV 2015: Lanparte HHG-02 GoPro Hand Held Gimbal with detachable remote control handle

BIRTV 2015: CAME-TV MINI 2 3-Axis brushless gimbal

BIRTV 2015: Tilta show new radio controlled car with vibration reduction system and brushless gimbal

BIRTV 2015: Nebula 4200 brushless gimbal aims to take the spring out of your step

A brushless gimbal on your shoulder: is Shape’s iSee system the answer?