Author: Mat Gallagher

FDR-AX1: Sony’s 4K consumer camcorder

Canon announces upgrades for Cinema EOS range

Tom Akerman talks about The Beach Captain, shot using Magic Lantern RAW on a 5D MkIII

Pete: the latest in the England Your England series by Matt Hopkins – shot on Nikon D800

Red Giant launches BulletProof v1.0

Extreme documentary: How Vice puts the Canon C300 through its paces

Joel Edwards of Evolve Media talks about their award winning ESPN sports docs – shot on Phantom, Sony F3 and 5D

Tyler Stableford talks about his move to video, non-profit work and the future of filmmaking

The best of NAB 2013: Our round up of the show

NAB2013 Discussion panel replay: The importance of audio

NAB2013 Discussion panel replay: Documentary shooting, how do we make it pay?

NAB2013 Discussion panel replay: Is DSLR Video dead?

The state we’re in: Multimedia in modern journalism – a new report for World Press Photo

Video: Newsshooter’s Matt Allard talks at Rule Boston Camera on shooting global news coverage

Panasonic G6 – The new micro 4/3 camera that sits closer to its GH range than ever

NAB 2013 Replay part three: Talks from the Teradek booth with Hexolux, Steadicam, the Diamond brothers, Vincent LaForet, Freefly, and SmallHD

NAB 2013 Replay part two: Talks from the Teradek booth with G-tech, Tiffen, Convergent Design, Sony, Edelkrone, GoPro, Philip Bloom, and Rodney Charters