Author: Mat Gallagher

NAB 2016: Sennheiser HandMic digital handheld iPhone reporter microphone

NAB 2016: 9.Solutions compact C Pan arm offers a flexible range of movements

NAB 2016: BrightCast show their new flexible LED lights with V-lock battery option

NAB 2016: Think Tank offers a new range of video specific bags

NAB 2016: Cineo’s new HSX offers more control over your lighting

NAB 2016: Dedolight’s new Felloni lights push the brightness levels

NAB 2016: Learn how to use DaVinci Resolve as a free and simple editor with this quick run-through

NAB 2016: Zeiss all-metal follow focus lens gears designed for its manual focus lenses

NAB 2016: The Sennheiser EK6042 slot-in receiver does everything but the dishes

NAB 2016: Atomos Inferno – a faster 4K 60p version of the Flame

NAB 2016: DP David Stump talks about the new Lytro Cinema Camera

NAB 2016: Atomos to add HDR as firmware update to existing products

NAB 2016: Blackmagic design encourages you to build your own controller using an Arduino and its SDI shield

NAB 2016: A walkthrough of the new firmware for the Blackmagic Ursa Mini

NAB 2016: Ikan shows its Lyra brand of soft LED lights

NAB 2016: Arri update firmware for the Alexa Mini, add new anamorphic lenses and focus control elements

NAB 2016: SmallHD launch a range of daylight viewable HDR displays