
Hawk-Woods RED Komodo Dual NPF Camera Mount

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The Hawk-Woods RED Komodo Dual NPF Camera Mount (DV-KOM) fits directly onto the RED Komodo battery that is on the rear of the camera. The DV-KOM requires two NPF batteries to be fitted to enable power out.

You can use 2x DV-F990 batteries which will give you 148Wh, this enables you to have a larger capacity than most mini v-lock batteries. The 990 batteries are the 6-cell NPF battery, you could also use Hawk-Woods DV-F790 batteries, which are the smaller 4-cell NPF but still provide a combined total of 100Wh, which would be similar to a Mini 98Wh V-Lok battery.

DV KOM 5 5 HiRes Hawk Woods

The power consumption of the Komodo is around 45Wh so by utilizing two DV-F990 batteries you can expect around 3 hours of run time. With two DV-F790 batteries, you would get around 2 hours.

The adaptor features 2x Power-con outputs for powering further accessories. The battery plate uses a fly lead that goes into the camera via the DC input.

There is no current indication about pricing or availability.

Currently not approved

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As of now, the Dual NPF Camera Mount has not been approved for use by RED after testing.

Best to check the incompatible products post for future updates – https://support.red.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056785013-Known-Incompatible-Products

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