ARRI has prepared a new Quick Guide titled “Shooting in Low-Light with ALEXA 35” which details how to achieve the best low-light shooting performance when working in challenging lighting conditions.
The Quick Guide presents users with recommendations for using Enhanced Sensitivity modes in conjunction with ARRI’s Shadow and Deep Shadow Textures.
Below you can see some of what ARRI mentions in the guide.

The quick guide provides recommendations for achieving the best low light performance when shooting with the ARRI ALEXA 35 and discusses Enhanced Sensitivity and ARRI Textures in detail. The inherent low noise and sensitivity settings ranging from EI 160 to EI 6400 make ALEXA 35 a High ISO camera with 17 stops of dynamic range. Additionally, there are two features which can be used to improve the ALEXA 35 low light performance even further: Enhanced Sensitivity and ARRI Textures. Together, all these features achieve the cleanest images in demanding lighting situations.
When shooting in challenging low light conditions with the ALEXA 35, it is ARRI’s recommendation to use a high sensitivity rating in combination with Enhanced Sensitivity and one of the Shadow Textures. Choosing the right combination of Sensitivity, ES and Texture modes will ensure the best low light performance of the ALEXA 35.
ARRI’s recommendations are as follows:
- When shooting moderately dark scenes, choose EI 2560 with Enhanced Sensitivity enabled and the L345 Shadow Texture
- When shooting dark scenes, choose EI 3200 with Enhanced Sensitivity enabled and the L345 Shadow Texture
- When shooting in extreme low light or no light conditions, choose EI 6400 with Enhanced Sensitivity enabled and the H457 Deep Shadow Texture
When shooting with the Nostalgic series of Textures in normal lighting circumstances ARRI recommend to switch to the G422 Shadow Nostalgic Texture for best results in low light situations. Since the Clarity Textures enhance contrast, they are not recommended for low light shooting.
Enhanced Sensitivity
Enhanced Sensitivity is an optional in-camera noise reduction that offers cleaner images in low light situations. In addition to regular exposure indexes from EI 160 to EI 6400, you can choose EI 2560 to EI 6400 with Enhanced Sensitivity (ES) turned on.
When recording ARRIRAW, Enhanced Sensitivity is baked into the image, but the exposure index is not. When recording Apple ProRes, both Enhanced Sensitivity and exposure index are baked into the image.
ES computing takes place right after the sensor before the image is made into an MXF/ARRIRAW or debayered into Apple ProRes files. Enhanced Sensitivity has some frame rate and shutter limitations (see table below). The shutter time can always be decreased in duration but is limited to a maximum value of 180 degrees. This means that it is possible to be in Enhanced Sensitivity mode while using a 144-degree shutter to mitigate flicker for instance. The ability to record with a 360-degree shutter while using Enhanced Sensitivity mode is not possible.
Recommended Low Light Textures
L345 Shadow
A texture based on the K445 Default texture, with lower noise and grain optimized for images with a lot of dark content. The visible grain emulates the look of grain in the toe of color negative film and is more pleasing in darker scenes, as the color of the grain has been desaturated. The Shadow textures are optimized for mid to high EI settings of the sensor and therefore work best in this exposure range.
H457 Deep Shadow
A texture designed for the darkest shots. This texture has low grain, and the color of the remaining grain is less saturated. It has higher clarity (more contrast) and even more shadow detail retention than the L345 Shadow texture. The Shadow textures are optimized for mid to high EI settings of the sensor and therefore work best in this exposure range.
G422 (Custom) Shadow Nostalgic
A grainy texture with a subtle vintage feel, designed to render some unsaturated grain and a soft character. This Texture has the exact same characteristics in Detail and Grain as the “G522 Soft Nostalgic” Texture but
is optimized for low light conditions and dark content. As a Shadow texture it is optimized for mid to high EI settings of the sensor and therefore works best in this exposure range.