Atomos has released the AtomOS 11.13.00 Firmware update that adds support for ProRes RAW recording over HDMI from the Canon C80 in 6K at up to 59.94fps the Ninja and Shogun lines monitor/recorders.
SDI Filenaming for the Canon C80 is also supported in the new 11.13.00 update for Ninja V/V+, Ninja, Ninja Ultra, Shogun Connect, Shogun, and Shogun Ultra.
New Features
Support for Canon C80 HDMI RAW 6K modes
- 6024 x 3184 at 50, 59.94 fps
- SDI Filenaming for Canon C80
Support for Canon R1 HDMI RAW 6K modes
6024 x 3182 at 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94 fps