
Mutiny Prototype Battery IO for Original RED Komodo

At Cine Gear 2024, I caught up with Mutiny to see some of their new products. The existing battery IO for the Komodo OG has been popular, and they showed me a prototype of the new version they are working on with a few nice features.

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The new design is just power only and will be more affordable. The construction will be all metal. It includes an LED display with battery percentage and voltage.

It has two 2-pin Lemo power outputs, D-tap, and features the new Core SWX USB-PD Power system. The battery plate also includes two D-Taps. The positive pins on the D-Taps are recessed to prevent shorting.

The Battery IO includes a digital fuse, so you will get a warning if you exceed the draw capability.

The new Komodo Battery IO will retail for around $300, approximately half the price of the existing version, making it more affordable if all you need is power IO for your RED Komodo. Check out all the goodies from Mutiny on their website.

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