
Creamsource Vortex at Cine Gear 2024

At Cine Gear 2024, Creamsource had a fun display of the Vortex lights in image-based lighting and virtual production setups.

Creamsouce built out a large dome-like gride with 88 Vortex lights that are putting out timed color sequences to match the image on the large ROE Black Pearl screen behind the “Creamwing”.

Creamsource has updated the diffusion panels for the Vortex fixtures to make adding and removing them much easier and quicker. The Vortex lights are very powerful and built like tanks for heavy use in on-location and large soundstage build-outs.

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New this year is the Vortex24, a large, powerful light that draws 1950W of power, suitable for standard circuits, and includes a ‘House Power’ setting for 15A circuit operation.

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