SmallHD has announced its upcoming free PageOS 6 update that adds powerful new capabilities to all current monitors. It features increased functionality, expanded customization, and a more streamlined, intuitive UI.
This is SmallHD’s first major PageOS upgrade in two years.

New features include Fleet Control, a redesigned Color Pipe, Wi-Fi support, Handheld Multi-view, support for new dials, expanded control of function buttons, and more.

A new Color Pipe interface gives users increased on-screen visibility to instantly review settings information and more intuitive management processes to speed up their workflow. Pomfort Livegrade integration lets users apply the tool on top of any preloaded 3D LUT in Color Pipe on their SmallHD Monitor.

For remote wireless and network monitor control, SmallHD’s new Fleet Control App can be installed on a user’s tablet or computer to control one or more monitors at the same time, allowing them to match settings, manage signal and feeds, manage LUTs and Color Pipes and control multiple PageOS Tools via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. PageOS 6supports Wi-Fi functionality on SmallHD monitors with off-the-shelf Wi-Fi adaptors to upgrade firmware or manage the Fleet Control App.

Custom Exposure Assist offers custom control for black clip, white clip, and middle gray for much smoother transitions than Spectrum 1 and 2 modes.

SmallHD have updated EL Zone. Ed Lachman, ASC’s intuitive stop-based exposure tool now supports wider dynamic range cameras. EL Zone works like a virtual spot meter, replacing IRE exposure values with stops.

You can map nearly every aspect of PageOS to knobs with click, turn, and capacitive touch functionality. With tools like custom exposure or crop, multiple knobs can be used simultaneously to dial in precise changes.

Handheld Multi-View lets SmallHDUltra 7 Monitors display multiple feeds in multi-camera environments. Users can view feeds from HDMI, SDI, or Internal Bolt 6 simultaneously with side-by-side dual monitoring.

Other PageOS 6 features include a new pixel-based Fine Adjustments Tool for crop/size and exposure adjustment in increments as small as 0.1%, plus RAW 8-bit or 10-bit luma values for exposure.

There is also a GPI Tally Overlay that displays a red “recording” border around the outer bezel of SmallHD 4K Monitors.

You can assign a new press-and-hold capability by holding down a function button to speed up your workflow. Preview a feed or tool, quickly pull up a 1:1 pixel-zoom for precise focus, apply a pre-loaded LUT, and more.

Above you can see other features that will be added.

You can turn your SmallHD Smart 7 Series Monitor into a remote command center with Bolt 6 transmitters and receivers. Use the same wireless signal used to transmit zero-delay wireless video for effortless touch-screen camera control at ranges up to 5,000 feet.
When will it be available?
PageOS 6 Beta will be available as a free download in May 2024.