SONY has created a new VENICE 2 101 training course for its flagship digital cinema camera. This is completely free and anyone can watch it.
The course, while similar to the original VENICE 101 version, tackles topics like how to operate and navigate the VENICE 2. It also covers the dual base ISO and lays out the differences between the Original VENICE and the VENICE 2.
Here are the chapters and what they cover in the video:
CHAPTER 1– The differences between the VENICE and VENICE 2
CHAPTER 2- Internal ND
CHAPTER 3- Recording Media
CHAPTER 4- Removing the PL Mount
CHAPTER 5- Lens Interface Voltage
CHAPTER 6- Viewfinder Menus
CHAPTER 7- Updated SDI Functionality
CHAPTER 8- User Frame Lines
CHAPTER 9– Live Grade
It is good to see companies such as SONY, ARRI, and RED making useful and educational content that is available for free.