Rigpacks Stillframe camera harness is a new product introduced at Cine Gear 2022 and looks to be a good option.
Shooting handheld is hard on the body, especially if you do it for long periods. Trust me, I know, as I’ve had shoulder surgery from being a News Shooter for a long time. The good news is there are several options to help distribute the weight of the camera to help avoid injury and fatigue these days.

Rigpacks Stillframe has adjustable elbow rests manufactured from custom molded nylon and locally machined steel parts. Rigpacks states that no matter the length of your arms or size, the supports fix your elbows and relieve the muscle pressure that can build during regular operation.

Also on the elbow rest is a pullout hook for the camera handle. This makes it easier to shoot from the hip for lower-angle shots.

The product is made of a breathable, lightweight ballistic nylon fabric construction, making the harness nice and comfy to slip on and carry for a while without sacrificing the sturdiness you need to haul all your gear safely. They packed a lot of cushions into our elbow and shoulder rests so the weight can be distributed without the cushion compressing too much.

They included a modular rear pouch that a hot/cold pack slides into to keep cool or warm. A pocket on the front can hold a larger mobile phone or maybe a snack. You know we never get lunch, right?

The Stillframe Single retails for $999.00 and the Stillframe Double$1199
Both versions are available today direct from Rigpacks.com.