Atomos has announced that they will be providing 16-bit RAW support for Sony’s new FX9. |

The way this will work is that when you use the XDCA-FX9 Extension Unit and PXW-FX9 you will be able to output 16-bit linear RAW and then record it to an Atomos Neon.

This is far from a portable solution and I think a lot of potential users of the Sony FX9 are not going to have access to a large and expensive monitor just to be able to record RAW. The trouble is apart from Sony’s own R5 and R7 RAW recorders there is nothing else that will currently record 16-bit linear RAW. Strangely, neither Sony’s own R5 or R7 will work with the FX9.
The cheapest Atomos Neon is the 17″ version which costs $3,999 USD.
“We have a long and proud history of collaborating with revolutionary companies like Sony, we are working closely with the FX9 camera team to deliver 4K 16-bit RAW from the FX9 to our Neon cinema monitor-recorders.”
Jeromy Young, Atomos Co-founder and CEO
We don’t currently know what the 16-bit linear RAW will be recorded as on the Neon.
It’s still unclear as to what other devices will support RAW recording from the FX9.

Atomos also gave us an update about where ProRes RAW is heading.
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