RED President Jarred Land has timely posted another teasing update on the upcoming RED Komodo 6K camera with Blackmagic Design announcing the new Pocket Cinema Camera 6K.
From Jarred Land’s post on REDUser which we broke down previously, this is what the RED Komodo isn’t:
- It is not DSMC3
- It is not a replacement for DSMC2
- It is not 8k VV
- It is not a Dragon or a Helium or a Gemini or a Monstro Sensor
- It does not have an HDMI port
- It does not use proprietary media
- It is not a “module”
- It is not under $5k, unless you own a Hydrogen.
- It has no XLR ports
- It does not have a fixed lens
- It’s body does not weight more than 2 pounds.
- It is not larger than 4 inches in any dimension.

By RED using the EOS R mount, It lets them use the Canon’s EF-EOS R mount with drop-in filter mount for VND. This will surely appeal to many users as no RED camera currently has internal NDs.

The Komodo 6K is sure to face plenty of competition with the upcoming Z Cam E2-S6 (S35 6K – $3,995 USD) E2-F6 (FF 6K – $4,995) & E2-F8 (FF – 8K – $5,995) cameras shipping shortly, Blackmagic’s BMPCC 6K also slated to ship in a few days after being announced today and other cameras which will cost much less as the Komodo will start at $5K, only if you own a Hydrogen.