Hive has just released firmware updates for their Wasp, Hornet & Bee fixtures.
This free update adds significant features and functionality to the Hornet 200-C, Wasp 100-C Gen.2, Wasp 100-C Gen.1, and the Bee 50-C.
Below you can see what the various firmware updates include:

It’s nice to see a lighting company still adding functionality and feature improvements to lights that have been around for quite a few years.

The Wasp 100-C Gen.1 was introduced back in 2017.
Hive will also be showing their new Super Hornet 575-C at Cinegear, which starts on the 31st May.

The Super Hornet 575-CTM is an Omni-ColorTM (LED set with 7 distinct color chips) point source LED with the output equivalent a 575 W HMI or 2,000 W Incandescent. Offering full spectrum white light from 1650K – 8000K and fully saturated color. It is the brightest single point source color changing LED Par for entertainment production lighting.