Core SWX has released new Shark-Fin adapter plates which allow you to use two batteries at once for longer runtimes.

Shark-Fin adapters have been around for some time, but this new version has a shorter form factor to match the height of a lot of the new smaller batteries like Core’s own Hypercore 9 Mini, Hawkwoods Mini V-Lok, Blueshape’s Granite Mini and so on.
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Another benefit of this shark-fin adapter is that it offers hot-swap capabilities, so you can replace one battery while still running from the other for continuous operation and no downtime.
The new plates are available for both V-Mount (GP-TS-SFF) & Gold-Mount (GP-TA-SFF). The V-Mount adapter has 4 Powertap ports, and the Gold-mount version only has 2 powertaps on the top of the adapter for powering additional accessories.

Part #: GP-TA-SFF
Input: DC 11-17v
Output for Camera: DC 11-17v, Unregulated Paralleled
Output for 2x P-Tap: DC 11-17v, Unregulated, 7.2A max
Size: 4.6″ x 3.5″ x 4.7″
Weight: 1.2 lbs
Part #: GP-TS-SFF
Input: DC 11-17v
Output for Camera: DC 11-17v, Unregulated Paralleled
Output for 4x P-Tap: DC 11-17v, Unregulated, 7.2A max
Size: 4.6″ x 3.5″ x 4.7″
Weight: 1.2 lbs