How do you normally find crew for your production? Generally, it’s by people you already know or by referral. Industry Jump is looking to change this with a new platform making it easier for producers to find verified talent as well as for creatives to be found. You could say it’s looking to be the LinkedIn of filmmaking. It has been in beta for the last month and now has a user base nationwide. They are looking to open up the platform worldwide in the future.
For Film Frew
Industry Jump is designed for more than just the DPs and cinematographers, they welcome all kinds of film crew including gaffers, grip, makeup artists, production companies and more.
Build your portfolio & get reviews
After an application is verified, the user is able to create a portfolio page with a short bio, IMDB links, showreel or links to previous work, resume and gear list. The main component here is the crowdsourced reviews. Each profile receives an “industry score” which is derived from a complex algorithm made up of many elements like review quality, number of projects, hires & referrals.
Each review is verified and prospective clients are also able to message the person who left a review for a reference check to further validate the review. Reviews are also linked to the projects in your portfolio, you can send review requests direct to emails so they don’t have to be a member to leave a review.
We’ll have to check back in to see how well the system works. You have to wonder how many people would leave a negative or less than 5-star review without causing offence.
You can learn more about the review process here.
For Producers
Producers can also sign up to Industry Jump to use the platform to find and hire talent.
Browsing the database of users is simple and the interface is very intuitive making it easy to find what you’re looking for. When viewing a profile, you can refer, message or send a hire request.
In the pipeline
Industry Jump, CEO JJ Englert is also aiming to provide a payment system within Industry Jump for guaranteed payment, automated bookkeeping and 1099 reporting. They are also working on project management services and content monetization opportunities.
Interested in using the platform or want to learn more? visit Industry Jump
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