
“Radio 88” DP Johnny Derango talks about using the EVA1

DP Johnny Derango has talked about is experiences using Panasonic’s yet to be released EVA1. The short film “Radio 88” which he shot on the EVA1 is expected to be released online on Friday or Saturday along with two other short films.

Johnny particularly liked the cameras dual native ISO (800 and 2500) feature as it allows smaller crews and productions who may not have access to large amounts of lighting equipment to work with a lot less equipment.

A lot of the exterior night shots on “Radio 88” was shot at the 2500 base ISO and once the film is released, it should be a good indication of just how well the camera performs in low light conditions. For the interior shots Johnny shot mostly at 800ISO.

Johnny says it is best to think of the EVA1 as a mini Varicam. From his experience the EVA1 has a look that is almost identical to a much more expensive Varicam camera.

It looks like a lot of the film was shot using the Zeiss 21-100mm LWZ.

There has certainly been a lot of hype about the EVA1 and potential buyers will be watching the release films very carefully. Panasonic has high hopes for the EVA1, but it faces stiff competition from offerings by Canon, Sony and Blackmagic.

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