
IBC 2016 – Photon Beard Highlight LED Lights

At the IBC Show at Amsterdam Photon Beard were showing a new range of Highlight LED studio lights that use snap in phosphor panels.


The Highlight LED lights use a unique design that incorpoates curved reflective panels that sit in front of the phosphor plate. The unique snap in design allows you to mix and match various colour temperature phosphor panels in the one housing. This gives the Highlight lights a big advantage over most traditional phosphor lights where only a single panel can be used.


Another big advantage of using curved panels, is that the light is very directional and doesn’t have a lot of spill. The new lights have a 60 degree beam angle and come in four different sizes. While they are not designed to run off camera batteries, Photon Beard hinted that this is something they may look at in the future.


The smallest HL90 version is available for just under ‎£1000 ($1327 US), and the largest HL360 is around ‎£3500 ($4650 US).

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