By site editor Dan Chung:

Movcam have just sent us an image of their upcoming rig for the Sony FS7. There are no further details at this point and it looks like we will have to wait until after Christmas for further info. So far it appears the rig has many of the design traits from the company’s popular FS700 rig – VCT release plate compatibility, additional ARRI style rosettes and a wrap around cage.
Interestingly they have opted to keep the original Sony handle and build 15mm rod clamps around it. It also looks like Movcam have made their own V-lock battery and power distribution solution that fits in the same place that Sony’s XDCA-FS7 expansion pack would otherwise go. Another nice touch is the PL mount support that appears to be built-in. As soon as more details emerge we’ll be sure to publish them here on the blog.