
Broadcast Asia 2014: Den Lennie discusses the Sony a7S with Matt Allard

By technical editor Matt Allard:

A A7s Discussion With Den Lennie from Matthew Allard ACS on Vimeo.

At Broadcast Asia I spoke to DP Den Lennie about his experiences using the Sony a7S. He works closely with Sony and shot the promo material for the launch of the camera. Since then he has had more opportunities to shoot with the camera and is probably more experienced with it than any other shooter right now.

One of Den’s main conclusions is that even though the a7S is a great camera, it isn’t the perfect tool for every job. There are times when a larger camera like the Sony F5 is more suitable, there are others where you might need a small camera that shoots 4K internally like the newer Panasonics. As prices come down it is now perfectly feasible for professionals to own more than one camera and simply choose the right one for the job. In Den’s case he foresees using the a7S as a B-camera to his larger cams perhaps more often than as an A-camera.

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