
Vincent Laforet – 'and the 24-105mm coffee cup winner is…'

So who is the winner of the 24-105mm coffee cup give away?

Watch the video of the draw by none other than Vincent Laforet himself to see if you are the one. If you didn’t win don’t despair we have some great post-NAB give aways from Redrockmicro and Zacuto to come in the next few days.

Vincent Laforet announces the winner of the 24-105mm cup contest from Dan Chung on Vimeo.

Not only does the lucky winner get the cup we’ve also put together a collection of other great stuff from NAB that we are going to send along with it. Thx to GoPro, Zeiss, Miller and Canon Singapore for the extra prizes.

The Canon 5DmkII fridge magnet
The Canon 5DmkII fridge magnet
A Miller mini tripod
A Miller mini tripod
A Carl Zeiss hat
A Carl Zeiss hat
A GoPro beanie hat
A GoPro beanie hat

Also check out these entertaining videos from other happy 24-105mm cup owners:

How to clean your Canon lenses from Manuel Lino on Vimeo.

My new $30 Canon 24-105mm f/4 lens from Nino Leitner on Vimeo.


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